Thursday, December 8, 2011

Reckless Driving Statistics

Here are some statistics as to why texting is so dangerous:

When a driver texts while driving, his reaction time will decrease by 35%

When texting, steering capability goes down by a tremendous amount; 91%.

A driver is twenty three times more likely to get into a car accident while driving and texting.

3 out of every 4 drivers said they are more careful than most other drivers.

Almost 60 percent of drivers indicated that they were substantially in control of

whether or not they would be involved in a crash.

As many as 56 percent of deadly crashes involve one or more unsafe driving behaviors

typically associated with aggressive driving

Speeding - 30.7%

Failure to yield right of way - 11.4%

Failure to obey traffic signs, traffic control

devices, etc. 7.4%

Making improper turn 6.6%

Improper passing 4.1%

Improper following 1.7%

Improper or erratic lane changing 1.5%

Illegal driving on shoulder, ditch,

sidewalk, or median 1.4%

Racing 0.5%

Failure to observe warnings or

instructions on vehicle 0.3%

Failure to signal 0.1%

WORKS CITED,r:2,s:55

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